Public accounting definition

what is public accounting firm

The busy season typically begins at the start of the calendar year with many reports and returns due between January and April. Big Four firms are also busy during periods relating to companies’ quarterly reporting. Amendments to this rule have been approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission but are not yet effective.

So, the simple answer to the question is, yes—many accountants can and do work from a home office. Critics say that the accounting firms do not want to ask tough questions of their paying clients or assiduously investigate something suspicious on their books. In general, the work environment of a private accountant should be less stressful than that of a public one since they work for single companies.


It’s important to remember that, besides physical (or virtual) space, accounting firms need to find and install the necessary equipment and technology to help their practice run more efficiently. Once they’ve found a tax solution that can help them achieve their goals, they’ll be able to begin tackling the other day-to-day tasks and questions of running a business. The Enron collapse and ensuing investigation prompted scrutiny of the company’s financial reporting and its long time auditor, Arthur Andersen. The company was indicted for obstruction of justice for shredding documents related to the audit of Enron.

They only perform audits of individuals, small businesses, government entities, and other types of organizations. An audit is used to verify the accuracy of financial statements and can determine if a business is profitable or not. There is also no reason you have to choose what is public accounting the public or private path for the entirety of your career. It’s very common for accountants to pursue a job in public accounting at the outset, then transition into private accounting. This scenario can also be advantageous in terms of accelerating advancement.

Tax Return Preparation

However, it’s important to remember that you have to target businesses where you have the right location and the right skills. If you can fill them, then you have a specialization that is highly valuable to that market. While there is still a debate surrounding hourly versus fixed fees in some aspects of the business, accounting and bookkeeping is not one of them. All the regulations that apply to a physical location also apply to virtual or home offices.

By having an accountant do the tax return forms, the business gets some protection in an audit. Whether you are building a new career path or looking to make a change, accounting is a field that is always in need of professionals. Bureau of Labor Statistics, job rates for accountants and auditors are increasing at a faster than normal rate. By 2030, there should be almost 100,000 more jobs available in this vital field. Whichever path you choose, it’s important to build a strong foundation of accounting knowledge and skills to succeed in public or private accounting.


For both public and private accountant roles, the main requirement is a bachelor’s degree in accounting. With additional education, public and private accountants can pursue a CPA license, which allows them to file reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Continuing education throughout your career is required to maintain a CPA license. Some accounting firms provide business development and valuation services. The firm will look through the books, use historical data to determine growth patterns, and provide the required reports to financial firms.

what is public accounting firm

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